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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Life on a double-decker bus (or The birth of pop homemade psychology)

Being jobless has its positive sides. Since I have been not working, I have started enjoying lots of things I would have never considered before. Having more time to spend on your own makes you realize how many little things can make you happy. I wish I could live in a World where I wouldn't have to work or rush or be in a hurry all the time. I wish I could live in a World where I could still stop in the middle of the street to observe trees and birds and flowers, or just spend an entire day reading a book on a bench. Maybe if all the people weren't working so much to make their livings, they would care more about relationships. Yesterday I was on the bus and I was observing people. People amaze me every time. The bus is a peculiar social environment where you can observe people who are almost totally unaware of you. That is a totally in my favor as I can carry on my silly, poor, pop psychology surveys any time I want. Most of people on a bus would be on their mobiles. Scrolling a social network home page or updating their status with tens of hashtags, texting, calling or playing Fruit Ninja and Temple Run. You can tell it when someone is playing Temple Run as they would swing their mobile phone up and down and left and right, with very concerned expressions on their faces. Italian families on the bus are most of time on their mobiles AND talking to each other. They share out loud all the major Facebook news and status updating. Most of all, they would talk about someone they DON'T like, because that's the way we do. They spend dozens of half hours chatting about him cheating on his wife or her wearing those expensive, posh, ostentatious and bitchy -resented- clothes and shoes. Italian tourists on the bus would compare every single little thing they see out of the window with something they've already seen in Italy. Always so proud of our Country only when we are abroad. Mothers and sons are my second best observation target. I promise every single woman who comes up into the bus with a child would struggle to keep him or her in the buggy. There must be something in buses that arouses children curiosity to death. As soon as mummy pushes the buggy in the corner, Jr. has been fighting with the seatbelt and unfastened it and sneaked on the floor already. Here we are. Let the war begin. As soon as the woman realizes what just happened and grabs the child in her arms, the child would start yelling and crying out loud all his tears. Among the general disappointment, the poor mum feeling totally under pressure as everyone would be staring at her in a look of dismay, she would eventually let the child wiggle out of her arms. Now, don't think I am sort of a psycho obsessed with what people do or don't do on the bus. In all this chaos, all I wanted to do was sitting there, reading a book. Circumstances has forced me to review my priorities. How was I supposed to survive among all this yelling and talking and mobile phones beeping - other than let them entertain me?

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Lettera a C.

Il senso sembra non esserci, dopo certi periodi ti senti semplicemente VUOTA. Senti un vuoto, un vuoto da voler colmare all'istante in un vortice di bulimia emotiva. E' un vuoto che spaventa e non c'è consolazione. Mi mancano altri occhi attraverso i quali conoscere le meraviglie dell'Universo. Mi mancano le voci, e le anime ancora di più. Nel fluire senza senso di questa quotidianità appannata, mi domando quale sia il senso, se non aspettare, con speranza e pazienza. Una sola delle due non sarebbe sufficiente. Aspetto che si sveli il mistero, e non so più se quello che vedo è reale, perché totalmente sconosciuto. Non saprò mai cos'è successo davvero, in quella bolla di universo così imperfetto eppure così completo e totalizzante. L'incertezza domina assoluta, sotto forma di nuvoloni grigi che opprimono il cielo di questa estate che sta finendo. Quanto è durata? Una vita intera fatta di piccolissimi infiniti. O forse solo un unico eterno istante. Tanti cieli sono passati, tante nuvole e tante scie di aerei in volo. Se dovessi racchiudere il tutto in un'immagine, sarebbe un naso all'insù che ammira le stelle e si stupisce della luce della notte. Forse se chiudo gli occhi ritrovo quella pace. Forse basta solo aspettare. E nessuna lingua sarà più sconosciuta, per le anime che sanno ritrovarsi lungo la strada.